Fish Fry


500g white Fish
½ a lime
1 tsp salt
¼ tsp turmeric powder
½ tsp cumin seeds
½ tsp fennel seeds
½ tsp mustard seeds Heat and grind well
10 pepper corns
1’ piece of cinnamon stick
1 tsp flaked chili powder
½ tsp sugar
1 tbsp corn flour
½ tsp ginger paste
1 tsp garlic paste
1 big onion
1 tomato
Few curry leaves


Prick the fish with a fork.
Add lime juice, salt and turmeric powder and let it marinate for ½ hour.
Heat oil and add the fish. Fry on both sides.
Sprinkle the corn flour and fry.
Add garlic and ginger and fry for few minutes.
Add the ground ingredients and 1 cup water and cook.
When it starts boiling add curry leaves, tomatoes and onion.
When the gravy becomes thick add sugar.
Fish fry is ready to serve.

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